Monday 25 April 2011

Carrying On

Today I'm writing.

Since it's the first of two four day weekends in a row, it's a perfect opportunity to really get some words down on the page. 2000 words so far. It's not much, but I'm feeling GREAT about it. It's not often I get the chance to sit down and write uninterrupted for the entire day.

Did I say uninterrupted?

Um, yeah, so let's pretend I haven't been tweeting and posting to the Kindle Boards, OK? :-)

In any case, I'm focusing on finishing Kissed by Fire before returning to my other two WIPs. My goal is to get it done by the end of June when KbD goes live so that my editor can get going on it. I figure if I time it write, KbF can go live about two months after the first book.

I'm not sure if that's realistic. I'm not sure if it's optimal. What I am sure of is that if you don't set goals, you'll never have anything to aim for. So, aim high.

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