About Shéa

Shéa MacLeod has dreamed of writing novels since before she could hold a crayon.  She totally blames her mother.

Her love affair with books, words and stories began at a very young age when her mom would load her and her brothers into the red Radio Flyer wagon and haul the down to the local library.  For Shéa, the library was a magical place, each book opening up a new world.  Her favorite poem as a child was 'Jabberwocky', and Her favorite authors were Agatha Christie and Edgar Allan Poe.  Which probably explains a lot.

After living in Portland, Oregon most of her life, she now makes her home in an Edwardian town house in London just a stone's throw from the local cemetery.  Which also explains a lot.  Fortunately, the neighbors are quiet.

Her first novel, KISSED BY DARKNESS, a fast paced urban fantasy novel with a kick-ass heroine, is due out at the end of May 2011.  It's also the first book in the SUNWALKER SAGA.  Now she's hard at work on book two of the series while simultaneously writing two further novels (not part of the saga).  Yeah, she can multitask like that!